General Information

Gene Name       : DDX43
Gene ID             : ENSG00000080007.7
Essential Gene : No



Domains (AlphaFold: DDX43)

Antibody Validation

Expression Level in Cell lines

Cell Line Gene Name Ensembl ID Rep1 TPM Rep2 TPM Average TPM Experiment ID


2 Released experiments are available on ENCORE database.

Assay TypeExp_NameENCODE IDTarget labelBiosampleStatusLinked AntibodyControlsMethodNote
knockdown followed by RNA-seq DDX43-BGKcLV23-K562ENCSR390TOZDDX43K562ReleasedENCSR877JEM   CRISPRKD% = 76.2,69.1

  RBP    Exp_UID    Cell_Line    ENCODE_ACCESSION    Control_ENCODE_ACCESSION    ENCODE_Antibody_ID    Antibody    Lot_num    Status    Project  

  Antibody Validation  
  GeneName    Antibody_DCC_ID    Product_ID    Lot_ID    Phosphate    HepG2 Primary Validation    K562 Primary Validation    HepG2 Secondary Validation    K562 Secondary Validation  
DDX43ENCAB412ETDA302-328A1Released, ENCODE4BGKcLV23-31, Released, ENCODE4

  KD RNA-Seq  
  GeneName    Cell_Line    Method    Exp_ID    Control_ID    Sample_reps    Control_reps    KD%    Status    Project    Note  

  RNA Bind-n-Seqn  

No RBNS experiment available

  Localization Image in HepG2  

No Localization Information available

RBP Antibody InfoPrimary-HepG2Secondary-HepG2Primary-K562Secondary-K562Primary-UBERONPrimary-Hela
DDX43Product_ID: A302-328A
Lot_ID: 1
Source: Bethyl Labs
Target Name: DDX43-human
Bethyl_A302-328A_1_DDX43.png<br>Caption: IP-WB analysis of K562 whole cell lysate using the DDX43 specific antibody, A302-328A. Lanes 1 and 2 are 2.5% of five million whole cell lysate input and 50% of IP enrichment using a normal IgG antibody, respectively. Lane 3 is 50% of IP enrichment from five million whole cell lysate using the DDX43-specific antibody, A302-328A. The same antibody was used to detect protein levels via Western blot. This antibody passes preliminary validation and will be further pursued for secondary validation. *NOTE* Protein sizes are taken from Genecards.org and are only estimates based on sequence. Actual protein size may differ based on protein characteristics and electrophoresis method used.
DDX43-K562-CRISPR-A302-328A.png<br>Caption: Western blot following CRISPR against DDX43 in K562 whole cell lysate using DDX43 specific antibody. Lane 1 is a ladder, lane 2 is K562 non-targeting control knockdown, lane 3 and 4 are two different CRISPR against DDX43. DDX43 protein appears as the green arrow, Beta-actin serves as a control and appears in red arrow.

RNA Targets

  • eCLIP assay for DDX43 is not avaliable on ENCORE database.

Proteins bound to RNA

  • NO known proteins bind on DDX43 RNA with finished eCLIP experiments on ENCORE database.

eCLIP assay for DDX43 is not avaliable on ENCORE database.

NO known proteins are bound to DDX43 RNA with finished eCLIP experiments on ENCORE database.

eCLIP assay for DDX43 is not avaliable on ENCORE database.

Diffrential Expression

  • The Knockdown/knockout assay for DDX43 is not available on ENCORE database.

  • No RBPs affect the gene expression of DDX43 on ENCORE database.

The Knockdown/knockout RNA-Seq assay for DDX43 is not available on ENCORE database.

No RBPs affect the gene expression of DDX43 on ENCORE database.

The Knockdown/knockout RNA-Seq assay for DDX43 is not available on ENCORE database.

No RBPs affect the alternative splcing events of DDX43 on ENCORE database.

The Knockdown/knockout RNA-Seq assay for DDX43 is not avaliable on ENCORE database.