284x4000fix.01v02.IDR.out.0102merged.bed.blacklist_removed.bed.narrowPeak.encode.bed.gz | 284 | final_peaks | peaks | eCLIP | hg19 | | |
284_01_4000_fixed_DDX21.merged.bam | 284_01 | bam | alignments | eCLIP | hg19 | | |
284_01_4000_fixed_DDX21.merged.r2.norm.neg.bw | 284_01 | bigWig-unique | minus strand signal of unique reads | eCLIP | hg19 | | |
284_01_4000_fixed_DDX21.merged.r2.norm.pos.bw | 284_01 | bigWig+unique | plus strand signal of unique reads | eCLIP | hg19 | | |
284x4000fix_01.basedon_284x4000fix_01.peaks.l2inputnormnew.bed.compressed.bed.narrowPeak.encode.bed.gz | 284_01 | bed_eCLIP | peaks | eCLIP | hg19 | | |
284x4000fix_01.basedon_284x4000fix_01.peaks.l2inputnormnew.bed.compressed.bed.narrowPeak.bed.bb | 284_01 | bigBed_eCLIP | peaks | eCLIP | hg19 | | |
284_02_4000_fixed_DDX21.merged.bam | 284_02 | bam | alignments | eCLIP | hg19 | | |
284_02_4000_fixed_DDX21.merged.r2.norm.neg.bw | 284_02 | bigWig-unique | minus strand signal of unique reads | eCLIP | hg19 | | |
284_02_4000_fixed_DDX21.merged.r2.norm.pos.bw | 284_02 | bigWig+unique | plus strand signal of unique reads | eCLIP | hg19 | | |
284x4000fix_02.basedon_284x4000fix_02.peaks.l2inputnormnew.bed.compressed.bed.narrowPeak.encode.bed.gz | 284_02 | bed_eCLIP | peaks | eCLIP | hg19 | | |
284x4000fix_02.basedon_284x4000fix_02.peaks.l2inputnormnew.bed.compressed.bed.narrowPeak.bed.bb | 284_02 | bigBed_eCLIP | peaks | eCLIP | hg19 | | |
284_INPUT_CGCTCATT-TATAGCCT_L007_R1.unassigned.adapterTrim.round2.rmRep.rmDup.sorted.bam | 284_INPUT | bam | alignments | eCLIP | hg19 | | |
284_INPUT_CGCTCATT-TATAGCCT_L007_R1.unassigned.adapterTrim.round2.rmRep.rmDup.sorted.r2.norm.neg.bw | 284_INPUT | bigWig-unique | minus strand signal of unique reads | eCLIP | hg19 | | |
284_INPUT_CGCTCATT-TATAGCCT_L007_R1.unassigned.adapterTrim.round2.rmRep.rmDup.sorted.r2.norm.pos.bw | 284_INPUT | bigWig+unique | plus strand signal of unique reads | eCLIP | hg19 | | |