HNRNPA2B1 antibody: GTX127928

Antibody Info
Target Info
Antibody Info
Target Info

Validation Images
Cell linePrimary validationSecondary validation
K562 GeneTex_GTX127928_40135_HNRNPA2B1_K562.png<br>Caption: IP-Western Blot analysis of K562 whole cell lysate using HNRNPA2B1 specific antibody. Lane 1 is 2.5% of 0.5mg input lysate, lane 2 is 2.5% of supernatant after immunoprecipitation and Lane 3 is 50% of IP enrichment using either rabbit polyclonal anti-hnRNP A2B1 antibody (lanes under 'HNRNP A2B1') or using rabbit normal IgG (lanes under 'IgG'). This antibody did not meet our primary validation criteria using our standard IP protocol in the indicated cell type.

Caption: IP-Western Blot analysis of K562 whole cell lysate using HNRNPA2B1 specific antibody. Lane 1 is 2.5% of 0.5mg input lysate, lane 2 is 2.5% of supernatant after immunoprecipitation and Lane 3 is 50% of IP enrichment using either rabbit polyclonal anti-hnRNP A2B1 antibody (lanes under 'HNRNP A2B1') or using rabbit normal IgG (lanes under 'IgG'). This antibody did not meet our primary validation criteria using our standard IP protocol in the indicated cell type.

Method: immunoprecipitation

Status: NotSatisfied

Lab: Yeo Lab

Cell linePrimary validationSecondary validation
HepG2 HepG2_Genetex_GTX127928_41094_HNRNPA2B1.png<br>Caption: IP-Western Blot analysis of HepG2 whole cell lysate using HNRNPA2B1 specific antibody. Lane 1 is 1% of twenty million whole cell lysate input and lane 2 is 10% of IP enrichment using rabbit normal IgG (lanes under 'IgG'). Lane 3 is 1% of twenty million whole cell lysate input and lane 4 is 10% IP enrichment using rabbit polyclonal hnRNP A2B1 antibody (lanes under 'HNRNPA2B1').

Caption: IP-Western Blot analysis of HepG2 whole cell lysate using HNRNPA2B1 specific antibody. Lane 1 is 1% of twenty million whole cell lysate input and lane 2 is 10% of IP enrichment using rabbit normal IgG (lanes under 'IgG'). Lane 3 is 1% of twenty million whole cell lysate input and lane 4 is 10% IP enrichment using rabbit polyclonal hnRNP A2B1 antibody (lanes under 'HNRNPA2B1').

Method: immunoprecipitation

Status: Released

Lab: Yeo Lab

HNRNPA2B1_Secondary_Western.png<br>Caption: Western blot following shRNA against HNRNPA2B1 in HepG2 whole cell lysate using HNRNPA2B1 specific antibody. Lane 1 is a ladder, lane 2 is HepG2 non-targeting control knockdown, lane 3 and 4 are two different shRNAs against HNRNPA2B1. HNRNPA2B1 protein appears as the green band, Tubulin serves as a control and appears in red.

Caption: Western blot following shRNA against HNRNPA2B1 in HepG2 whole cell lysate using HNRNPA2B1 specific antibody. Lane 1 is a ladder, lane 2 is HepG2 non-targeting control knockdown, lane 3 and 4 are two different shRNAs against HNRNPA2B1. HNRNPA2B1 protein appears as the green band, Tubulin serves as a control and appears in red.

Releated Sample: BGHLV23-19

Status: Released

Lab: Graveley Lab

K562 K562_Genetex_GTX127928_41094_HNRNPA2B1.png<br>Caption: IP-Western Blot analysis of K562 whole cell lysate using HNRNPA2B1 specific antibody. Lane 1 is 1% of twenty million whole cell lysate input and lane 2 is 10% of IP enrichment using rabbit normal IgG (lanes under 'IgG'). Lane 3 is 1% of twenty million whole cell lysate input and lane 4 is 10% IP enrichment using rabbit polyclonal hnRNP A2B1 antibody (lanes under 'HNRNPA2B1').

Caption: IP-Western Blot analysis of K562 whole cell lysate using HNRNPA2B1 specific antibody. Lane 1 is 1% of twenty million whole cell lysate input and lane 2 is 10% of IP enrichment using rabbit normal IgG (lanes under 'IgG'). Lane 3 is 1% of twenty million whole cell lysate input and lane 4 is 10% IP enrichment using rabbit polyclonal hnRNP A2B1 antibody (lanes under 'HNRNPA2B1').

Method: immunoprecipitation

Status: Released

Lab: Yeo Lab

HNRNPA2B1-K562_Secondary_Western.png<br>Caption: Western blot following shRNA against HNRNPA2B1 in K562 whole cell lysate using HNRNPA2B1 specific antibody. Lane 1 is a ladder, lane 2 is K562 non-targeting control knockdown, lane 3 and 4 are two different shRNAs against HNRNPA2B1.HNRNPA2B1 protein appears as the green band, Tubulin serves as a control and appears in red.

Caption: Western blot following shRNA against HNRNPA2B1 in K562 whole cell lysate using HNRNPA2B1 specific antibody. Lane 1 is a ladder, lane 2 is K562 non-targeting control knockdown, lane 3 and 4 are two different shRNAs against HNRNPA2B1.HNRNPA2B1 protein appears as the green band, Tubulin serves as a control and appears in red.

Releated Sample: BGKLV28-19

Status: Released

Lab: Graveley Lab