HepG2 | |
Caption: Western blot following shRNA against MetAP2 in HepG2 whole cell lysate using MetAP2 specific antibody. Lane 1 is a ladder, lane 2 is HepG2 non-targeting control knockdown, lane 3 and 4 are two different shRNAs against MetAP2. MetAP2 protein appears as the green band, Tubulin serves as a control and appears in red. Releated Sample: BGHLV16-33 Status: Released Lab: Graveley Lab |
K562 |
Caption: IP-Western Blot analysis of K562 whole cell lysate using METAP2 specific antibody. Lane 1 is 1% of twenty million whole cell lysate input and lane 2 is 25% of IP enrichment using rabbit normal IgG (lanes under 'IgG'). Lane 3 is 1% of twenty million whole cell lysate input and lane 4 is 10% IP enrichment using rabbit polyclonal anti-METAP2 antibody (lanes under 'METAP2'). Method: immunoprecipitation Releated Sample: eCLIP:509 Status: Released Lab: Yeo Lab |
Caption: Western blot following shRNA against METAP2 in K562 whole cell lysate using METAP2 specific antibody. Lane 1 is a ladder, lane 2 is K562 non-targeting control knockdown, lane 3 and 4 are two different shRNA against METAP2.METAP2 protein appears as the green band, Tubulin serves as a control and appears in red. Releated Sample: BGKLV36-35 Status: Released Lab: Graveley Lab |